Stock Market Facilitation

Laxman Leafin Limited also assists clients to comply with the preconditions for listing a company as well as pre-listed trading. It can further prepare companies for listing and assist in obtaining the necessary funding that is required by various markets before listing.

Structuring Financial Solutions for Business

Laxman Leafin Limited, specializing in providing asset based working capital and term debt financing, securing subordinated debt investments, and facilitating related financial restructuring solutions to growing or recapitalizing companies with revenues from $1 million to $40 million

For our clients, prospects, and referral sources we offer experience, flexibility, and responsiveness - Experience obtained from the Promoters’ individual involvement in the debt and capital markets for a combined 20 years. Flexibility from structuring a variety of creative financing transactions given capital availability and company requirements and Responsiveness through management of our many relationships with diligence and professionalism.

In the end, we want to make it EASY for you to do business with Laxman Leafin Limited.

In the commercial finance business, Laxman Leafin Limited targets growing, well-managed companies that have annual revenues ranging from $1 million to $25 million and have working capital needs of up to $5 million. We offer two distinct working capital programs - through a Revolving Receivables Purchase Facility, and through a Revolving Credit Facility. Each is delivered in a dependable, price competitive, user-friendly solution where financial position and historical performance generally determine the program that best fits the specific situation. Laxman Leafin Limited will respond with a proposal within 48 hours, once a qualified package is received, if an interest to move forward is warranted.

Although our clients represent diverse industries, the common bond remains the need for aggressive working capital financing beyond structural limitations resulting from conventional bank financing. Our mission therefore, is to provide an alternative source of working capital that combines the strong emphasis on client relationships, normally associated with commercial banks, along with the commitment to strive for responsiveness and flexibility in underwriting and funding.